
Linux DDoS attack detection

DDoS attacks are unfortunately no longer a rarity. Nowadays, a server can be attacked with little effort. To determine whether your own server is currently under attack, you can use the following commands: netstat -anp |grep 'tcp\|udp' [...]


Invisible reCAPTCHA

Goolge has started rolling out a new version of reCAPTCHA. Selected users have been invited to test this new feature. I am one of them. It's a shame that the new CAPTCHAs can't be initialised via Javascript, [...].


Coloured Bash Prompt

I am a big fan of colouring the Linux Bash. Coincidentally, I found a nice script on the Minimal Debian Images from Hetzner that colours the bash quite nicely. ![Bash](storage/bash.PNG) To make the [...]