Do not let newsletters end up in the spam folder

Have you ever sent an email that mistakenly ended up in the spam folder? The reasons for this can be numerous. I would like to point this out and explain how the common errors can be prevented so that a mail does not end up in the spam folder.

What is spam?

Spam (also known as junk) is the term used to describe unsolicited e-mails that usually have the sole purpose of promoting dubious offers. In many cases, these mails are automatically recognised and moved to the spam folder. Since this is common practice, you hardly ever look in this spam folder nowadays. It is all the more annoying when an email you have sent yourself also ends up in the spam folder, as the recipient will hardly find it there.

Why do mails end up in the spam folder?

There are several reasons why a mail ends up in the spam folder. It can be a badly configured mail server, missing SPF or DKIM entries, too many links or keywords in the mail. As you can see, there are many reasons. However, since it is important to us that our mails and newsletters arrive safely, you can check your mail with the Mailtester. All you have to do is send the corresponding mail to the address given on the Mailtester website and you can then view the result shortly afterwards.


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